ST. MARY’S NEWSLETTER FOR MARCH 23, 2022 REMINDER - Skating forms and fees are due by this Friday, March 25th. 2022-2023 REGISTRATION – has been sent home. Please complete forms and return along with Registration Fee and Book Fees by April 8th for the reduced fees. Fees increase after that date. Questions? Call the office.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS – Students will begin attending Stations of the Cross during Lent. Grades 6-8 attend Wednesday, March 23rd at 2:20, and Grades K-5 attend Friday, March 25th at 2:20. Parents are welcome to attend. On April 8th, we will have an all-school Stations of the Cross on Friday, April 8th at 2:20pm, as well as an all-school LIVE presentation of the Stations on Wednesday, April 13th at 2:00pm.
SPRING BREAK – will be March 28th through April 1st. School will resume April 4th.
3RD QTR CLOSING – Please view, sign, and/or print your child’s 3rd quarter report card. Before April 1st as 3rd quarter will be closed and locked after that date. Thank you!
SPRING PICTURES – will be taken Tuesday, April 5th. Remember, there are NO order envelopes. You will receive “proofs” to select and order from. Your children may dress down and bring a “prop” if they choose. Also, you can have all of your children done in a portrait together – just call and let the office know.
DC TRIP – please keep the 8th graders and their chaperones in your prayers as they take their trip to Washington, D.C. from April 6 – 9. Safe travels and have a great time!
HOME & SCHOOL – next meeting will be Thursday, April 7th at 6:15 in the staff lounge. Events to be discussed: Holy Communion breakfast, teacher appreciation week; fun day.
NO SCHOOL – Good Friday, April 15th.
NO SCHOOL– Monday, April 18th. Enjoy Easter weekend with loved ones.
MIDDLE SCHOOL – The 8th grade graduation dance (for deanery students in grades 6-8) will be held Friday, April 22nd from 7-9:30 in Dixon at the Hollaway Center. Permission slips will be coming home later. Completed Permission Slip must be presented at the door to gain admission.
FIRST RECONCILIATION – for 2nd grade students will take place Wednesday, April 27th after Mass.
EARLY DISMISSAL – Wednesday, April 27th at 11:15 for Teacher Institute.
FIRST COMMUNION – will be Saturday, April 30th at 11:00AM. Please keep the students and their families in your prayers as they prepare to receive this Holy Sacrament.