ST. MARY’S NEWSLETTER FOR MARCH 9, 2022 CALENDAR CHANGE – Due to needing to make up our 2 snow days, we will be making a change to the calendar. Students last day will be Friday, May 27th. This will move several events forward by 2 days. Here are the new dates below:
May 26th PreK Last Day Fun Day PM May 27th Last Day for Student Attendance Final Mass; return to school for report cards; dismissal approx. 9:30 2022-2023 REGISTRATION – has been sent home. Please complete forms and return along with Registration Fee and Book Fees by April 8th. Fees increase after that date. Questions? Call the office.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS – Students will begin attending Stations of the Cross during Lent. Grades 6-8 attend Wednesdays at 2:20, and Grades K-5 attend Fridays at 2:20. Parents are welcome to attend.
ROUND-UP – WOW what a great turn out!! Our PK4 class is full and we are accepting names for our waiting list. Our PK3 class has only 1 opening remaining. We saw many new families interested in our Kindergarten class, as well as other grade levels. Thank you to all of you that continue to spread good news about our school!
END OF 3RD QUARTER – is March 11th. Report Cards will be available online on March 16th.
ALL SCHOOL RECONCILIATION – for Grades 3- 8 will take place after Mass on Wednesday, March 23rd.
METEORS ON A MISSION DRESS DOWN – This month is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. On Friday, March 25th students will be invited to wear a blue shirt and jeans for a donation of $2. Thanks to Mrs. Mason and Meteors on a Mission for sponsoring this event!
SPRING BREAK – will be March 28th through April 1st. School will resume April 4th.
SPRING PICTURES – will be taken Tuesday, April 5th. Remember, there are NO order envelopes. You will receive “proofs” to select and order from. Your children may dress down and bring a “prop” if they choose. Also, you can have all of your children done in a portrait together – just call and let the office know.