NEW NEWS THIS WEEK: COVID SYMPTOMS - St. Mary's School is following guidance from WCHD and IDPH by using the decision tree that was linked in the Selmi Spotlight newsletter last week. For your convenience, we will be printing and sending home a packet with the IDPH decision tree as well as some helpful flowcharts recommended to us by the Diocese of Rockford. We hope this will give you all the information you need when making decisions about your child's health and wellness this year. We will continue to follow the decision tree from IDPH and will update you as new information comes available. Thank you for continuing to keep our school safe and well by following guidance for healthy habits during the coronavirus pandemic.
JEANS AND SPIRIT WEAR T-SHIRT DAY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th - In conjunction with Newman Central High School, and on behalf of the WACC CEO program, students may dress down in jeans (no holes) and a spirit wear t-shirt for a $2 donation. CEO is an entrepreneurial class offered at WACC, and they are planning on working with area nursing homes to provide residents with a care package filled with goodies to help them during this pandemic. They will be using the dress down money to purchase items such as books, crossword puzzles, flowers, etc. So dress down and bring in your $2 so we can help this class brighten the day of our most treasured community of people.
FROM MRS. THORMEYER/COMPUTER TEACHER - Please be sure to have your students (grades 3-8) log-in to Google Classroom. Instructions were sent home last week on how to get your student logged in. You can also review the instructions on the Computers & Technology class page located on the SMS website. ( Class pages can be found on the website, so be sure to visit to access class information, useful links, weekly newsletters, and more. For more information or help with Google Classroom, please contact Jennifer Thormeyer @ [email protected].
OLD NEWS: EARLY DISMISSAL - 11:15AM on Wednesday, September 16th for Professional Development.
EDUCATION COMMISSION - The Education Commission is an advisory board for St. Mary’s School. Meetings are held every other month, on a Wednesday night. The first meeting of the Education Commission will be held September 23rd at 6:00PM in the staff lounge. Future meeting dates will be published in the newsletter. All are welcome to attend.
FIRST COMMUNION - Please keep our 3rd graders and their families in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday, September 26th. These students are last year’s 2nd graders who were not able to celebrate this sacrament last year due to the school being closed for COVID.
FUNDRAISING - We would like to thank everyone for signing up for their fundraising shifts. Those that missed our table, please contact Michelle (815-441-8655) or Erica (312-339-5436) to get signed up for your Fruit Sale shifts. We will send out information about the remaining two fundraisers as soon as we have more details to share. Remember to save those dates: 5K - May 7, 2021 and Auction - May 8, 2021. Please be patient with our committee chairs as they are doing an amazing job navigating and organizing during this time. We couldn’t reach our fundraising goals without all of our dedicated chairs!!