ST. MARY’S NEWSLETTER FOR JANUARY 27, 2021 COLD WEATHER OUTERWEAR - Please make sure you send your children to school with hats, gloves/mittens, and a scarf. Generally speaking, the students will go outside for recess if the “feels like” temperature is 20 degrees or above. Mrs. Selmi uses the Childcare Weather Watch Chart from ISBE. Outdoor recess will always be on the blacktop only.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK - is Sunday, January 31st through Saturday, February 6th. The agenda was sent home last week and is posted on the website. Be sure and review the activities for each day to keep your children informed! Special note: The students will be have an “out of uniform” theme for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Have some fun with their outfits!!
VISION & HEARING TESTING - has been moved to Tuesday, February 2nd (due to the snow storm).
EARLY DISMISSAL - at 11:15 on Friday, February 5th.
MID-QUARTER PROGRESS REPORTS - will be posted on SchoolSpeak Monday, February 8th.
8TH GRADE TESTING FOR NEWMAN - Deb Kelly from Newman will be here on Tuesday, February 9th to administer the placement test for Newman next year. Please make sure your student gets plenty of rest and has a good breakfast!!
NO SCHOOL - Monday, February 15th in observance of President’s Day.
ASH WEDNESDAY - will be observed on Wednesday, February 17th. Grades K-2 will be attending Mass and will receive ashes at that time. Grades 3-8 will be watching Mass virtually with Father Bruce and then will go to church for ashes. Students will receive ashes in cohort groups. The Diocese of Rockford has instructed priests to place ashes on the tops of the students heads.
EARLY DISMISSAL - Wednesday, February 17th at 11:15 for Professional Development.
CONFIRMATION - Please pray for our 8th grade students and their families as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our students from Sacred Heart will be have their celebration Tuesday, February 2nd at 5:30PM. St. Mary’s students will celebrate their Confirmation on Saturday, February 27th at 10AM at St. Mary’s Church. NOTE: Confession and Confirmation rehearsal will take place Wednesday, February 24th at 6:15pm in the Church.