MORNING DROP OFF - Thank you for self-certifying your child before arriving at school! When using the drop-off lane in the parking lot, please be mindful of those in our St. Mary’s family that are also on their way to work. If your child is younger and needs assistance getting out of the car, we ask that you please park and assist your child. We feel this will allow our drop-off lane to move more smoothly. Thank you for your help in this request!
EDUCATION COMMISSION - The Education Commission is an advisory board for St. Mary’s School. Meetings are held every other month, on a Wednesday night. The first meeting of the Education Commission will be held tonight (September 23rd) at 6:00PM in the staff lounge. Future meeting dates will be published in the newsletter. All are welcome to attend.
FIRST COMMUNION - Please keep our 3rd graders and their families in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday, September 26th. These students are last year’s 2nd graders who were not able to celebrate this sacrament last year due to the school being closed for COVID. Please be sure and email Miss Robbin the name of your attendees by Friday, September 25th. Remember, the maximum number is 8 including the first communicant.
NO SCHOOL - Friday, October 9th for Teacher’s Institute.
NO SCHOOL - Monday, October 12th in observance of Columbus Day.
CALENDAR CHANGES - OCTOBER: a) Fruit Sale - ordering will be done online this year. The website will be launched October 16th. Watch for more information from the Fruit Sale Team!! b) Stock the Pantries - has been canceled.
NOVEMBER: a) November 5th - 11:15 Dismissal with Conferences held from 12:30pm - 7:00pm b) November 6th - No Student Attendance. Conference times available from 8:00am-12:00pm.
BOXTOPS - WOW, now it’s easier than ever!! No more clipping, no more saving. Did you know you can scan the receipt from your favorite stores and have the Boxtop points added directly to your school!! It’s so easy now!! Watch the video that Mrs. Selmi sent out. It was created by her children, their grandma, and great grandma!!