ST. MARY’S NEWSLETTER FOR FEBRUARY 23, 2022 PJ’S FOR PADS – Our middle school Youth Group, Meteors on a Mission, are sponsoring a PJ’s for PADS DAY! Your child may dress down in their pajamas on Thursday, February 24th, for a $2 donation to our local homeless shelter PADS. This is a great group, supervised by Mrs. Jessica Mason, that is always trying to donate to worthy causes in our community.
ITBS TESTING – Grades 3, 5, and 7 will be taking the ITBS test the week of February 28th – March 4th. Thank you to the moms who will be supplying snacks and drinks for the week! Look for your schedules in your child’s backpack today!!
ST. ANDREW SCHOOL – is sponsoring their annual Father/Father Figure/Daughter dance on Saturday, February 26th from 6:30 – 8:30pm in the gym. Tickets are available at the door for $20/Father/Father Figure. Girls are free with their date.
8TH GRADE NEWMAN REGISTRATION – will be held Monday, February 28th at 6:30PM in the cafeteria at Newman. A second session will be held Tuesday, March 1st at 6:30 at St. Mary School in Dixon.
5/6 GIRLS BASKETBALL- Coach Salvatori is have a pizza party for the 5/6 players and their parents on Tuesday, March 1st at St. Andrew at 5:30 . Please bring your uniforms to the event to hand in to the coach. Congratulations on a GREAT year girls!!
2022-2023 REGISTRATION – will be coming home March 2nd. Please complete forms and return along with Registration Fee and Book Fee. Questions? Call the office.
ASH WEDNESDAY – is March 2th this year. Parents are invited to attend 8:30am school Mass.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS – Students will begin attending Stations of the Cross during Lent. Look for the schedule being sent home today. Parents are welcome to attend.
PK/KN ROUND-UP – will be Tuesday, March 8th from 5:30-7:00pm at the school. If you are interested or have already signed up for PreK or Kindergarten, please plan on attending to show your children their room, meet the teachers, and meet some of the other students that will be in your child’s class. We look forward to seeing you!!
WHITESIDE 4-H – is sponsoring a Scrapbooking Club for ages 12-18. A new hobby that is both interesting and fun! Flyer with more information is attached to the newsletter on School Speak.
NOW HIRING – We are so very sad to see Mrs. Liston resign her position, but we are so happy for her to begin her retirement. We are hiring a 5th grade teacher for 2022-2023. The application is available online at under Job Openings.
BE LIKE GARRETT! – In honor of Captain Garrett Ramos, we have “Be Like Garrett” bracelets. These bracelets are available in the office for sale, for a free will offering. Funds will go toward new basketball hoops and backboards in the school gym in his memory.
RILEY PIERCE, ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Sports & Mask Requirements: St. Mary’s will stick with our local Diocesan policy and leave it as a recommendation for our school. We have some schools in our conference that are still requiring masks so if we attend events at their school we are wearing masks.